Lions Insider
In Play! Magazine
Photo by Jack Rosenberg
Well Lions fans we got what we have wished for, now what?
I think the Lions can’t do any worse, but will it fix things? Well it’s a start.
Head Coach Rod Marinelli’s press conference this week seems to be a little more subdued than last week’s referring to the “Magic wand” comment.
When asked yesterday what he had to say about Ford Jr’s comments Head Coach Rod Marinelli had this to say "I just came out of meetings and he (spokesman Bill Keenist) just informed me of the article, and I have no comment on it, and I'll leave it at that."
Understandably what is he going to say about his boss?
Getting back to Marinelli; when asked if the franchise should stay the course he replied:"In terms of what I'm doing? Stay the course, yeah. Keep working at it. (I've been) meeting all day with these guys and had the chance to self evaluate."
That’s scary to me. The Lions are 0-3 so the coach thinks they should keep doing what we have been to get them to this point?
Last Sunday FOX Sports commentator Michael Strahan made a comment to the affect that the Lions lacked heart during the 49er’s game.
I don’t think you need a professional to point this out this observation. My girlfriend said the exact same thing while the game was on and she is only a part time observer.
Marinelli says this concerning the Strahan comment, "You know, I don't. There's perception and reality and the perceptions is what people see and look at, but I know what's up. I've just got to loosen them up a little bit. They've got to relax and just go play."
Here’s my “perception and reality” and it’s pretty simple so any coach or GM feel free to use it and turn the team around and claim it as your own idea.
Remember the episode of Seinfeld where George Kastanza decided to do the exact opposite of everything he believed to be the correct thing to do...