Old School Coaches
In Play! Magazine
By Drew Lane
I love old school coaches. Maybe I’m showing my age as we all eventually pine for the way things used to be. Sometimes I worry that we’re spoiling our kids, but when you compare that to what is going on with today’s athletes it makes our kids look straight out of the Depression era.
Terrell Owens is an outstanding wideout, period, but surely I’m not the only one who experienced unfettered and unexplainable joy when the Eagles and Andy Reid (not the perfect “old school” model I’m talking about) said nobody will put themselves ahead of my team, so take your tired act somewhere else.
Naturally, Dallas grabbed him, “made it rain” with T.O. Dollars, and the self centered superstar has lived to enjoy another stage and spotlight.
Even on television pregame and post game shows, I love old schools shit-kickers like Mike Ditka calling out talented stars who take plays off or put themselves ahead of the team.
Right here in southeast Michigan we’ve had more than our share of “old school” coaches. Scotty Bowman struck fear in his players and the media as well. Lloyd Carr always stuck up for his “kids” but wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger when a Braylon Edwards type was phoning it in or not giving 100% in practice. While the Piston didn’t always do it with a smile, old school Larry Brown did get them to do it the “right way”, which brought consecutive finals appearances.
By Drew Lane
I love old school coaches. Maybe I’m showing my age as we all eventually pine for the way things used to be. Sometimes I worry that we’re spoiling our kids, but when you compare that to what is going on with today’s athletes it makes our kids look straight out of the Depression era.
Terrell Owens is an outstanding wideout, period, but surely I’m not the only one who experienced unfettered and unexplainable joy when the Eagles and Andy Reid (not the perfect “old school” model I’m talking about) said nobody will put themselves ahead of my team, so take your tired act somewhere else.
Naturally, Dallas grabbed him, “made it rain” with T.O. Dollars, and the self centered superstar has lived to enjoy another stage and spotlight.
Even on television pregame and post game shows, I love old schools shit-kickers like Mike Ditka calling out talented stars who take plays off or put themselves ahead of the team.
Right here in southeast Michigan we’ve had more than our share of “old school” coaches. Scotty Bowman struck fear in his players and the media as well. Lloyd Carr always stuck up for his “kids” but wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger when a Braylon Edwards type was phoning it in or not giving 100% in practice. While the Piston didn’t always do it with a smile, old school Larry Brown did get them to do it the “right way”, which brought consecutive finals appearances.