Photo: David L. Malhalab M News Service
Photo: David L. Malhalab M News Service
DETROIT – The Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy is announcing a series of fundraising events in support of their mission to preserve, restore and revitalize the beloved Michigan & Trumbull ballpark venue that played home to the National Pastime from 1896 to 1999. The project to re-develop Tiger Stadium is an unprecedented opportunity for historic preservation and will enable Detroit to become a destination for baseball fans from across the country.
Now that the City of Detroit has completed the demolition phase of the project, leaving intact the original Navin Field grandstand and playing grounds, the Conservancy seeks public support to help provide for the security of the site and other pre-development costs. To date, over $27,000 has been raised in online contributions toward the goal of reaching $69,000 in donations by mid-October.
Long term funding for the $15M project is ongoing, with an expected $4M in federal appropriations earmarked for urban development and community outreach in Corktown, Detroit’s oldest neighborhood.
Additionally, $5M in pledges in the form of historic preservation and economic stimulus tax credits is targeted while the balance is sought in community grants from regional philanthropic foundations and investments from commercial developers.
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