What do we take from the first OHL weekend?
Sean Baligian - Morning host 1130 AM, WDFN
For - In Play! Magazine
What do we take from the first weekend?
As any fan of the OHL knows, its tough to gauge "what might be" for many clubs for a very simple reason: Many teams are missing key components to their squad. With the NHL camps just recently getting under way, the guys whose draft rights are owned by NHL clubs are busy trying to make an impression for their respective NHL clubs to be. With that said, if a team gets off to a strong start with some key players missing in action, that could very well be a sign of a darn good team.
Sean Baligian - Morning host 1130 AM, WDFN
For - In Play! Magazine
What do we take from the first weekend?
As any fan of the OHL knows, its tough to gauge "what might be" for many clubs for a very simple reason: Many teams are missing key components to their squad. With the NHL camps just recently getting under way, the guys whose draft rights are owned by NHL clubs are busy trying to make an impression for their respective NHL clubs to be. With that said, if a team gets off to a strong start with some key players missing in action, that could very well be a sign of a darn good team.