Lions...0-16 Not Far Off!
Lions Insider
In Play! Magazine
After watching today’s game against the Chicago Bears the possibility of this Lions team going four months without winning a single game seems more realistic by the snap!
Today’s performance left me...well depressed.
How can a team be so bad for so long?Answer this question and you should be that TV show the Apprentice.
So what now Lions fans? Is Marinelli’s head next on the chopping block? Is he the next to go? Should he be the next to go?
In the post game press conference Marinelli was asked if he expected to be fired soon and he responded, "I think I've repeated this a lot to you, that I don't look in the future, right? I think I've said that to you, right? Would you agree? Your silence is agreement. If you're silent then you agree with me. Good; so I've already said it." Marinelli went on to say "I'm going to again tell you exactly what I've said in the past: I'm going to get up in the morning and go to work."
Here we go again with the arrogant attitude, just where we left off at the 0-3 mark. You would think a coach with a 0-4 record (so far) would have a little humility.
Marinelli steadfastly maintains he will keep on, keepin on and that everything is business as usual. A reporter asked if he thinks he can turn the season around to which Marinelli replied "Well, I think we have to go back and just keep evaluating talent, get the right people in here and keep working on what we do in terms of our system and improve it."
Correct me if I’m wrong but evaluations should have been completed back in training camp...correct?
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