HOLY COW...HOLY COW...What is going on with the Tigers?
By Denny McLain
For In Play! Magazine
First let me say it is more refreshing and interesting that our Tigers are doing something positive for a change, catching the ball, throwing some strikes, and lots of other good things, including this Inge thing.
I know that it is early in the season and mediocre pitchers are less than mediocre in the early part of the season but Inge is hitting the ball and hitting it hard, with few exceptions. All of his hits have been hit hard, that is a good sign, not like they have been bloops all over the place. Brandon, whatever the hell you are doing don’t quit now, don’t change your underwear, eat whatever you’re eating and ride this roll for all it's worth!!
But let’s not get carried away either with thinking that they can win it all. That would be great considering that we need something for all of us to pull for at this time in our great state.
I recall after the ‘67 Riots; that is exactly what happened, the state and anyone else in the state of Michigan were pulling for "our Tigers" and who knows, maybe that is what we have today, that would be a welcome site since the past 2 years they have been almost playing triple AAA baseball.
Read Denny's blog