Death of hockey player rekindles debate.
Bob Bellacicco
"A" News-Windsor
For In Play! magazine
My heart goes to out to the family of Don Sanderson, the 21-year old Whitby Dunlops player, who succumbed to his injuries and passed away January 2nd. Sanderson was involved in a fight during a Major Hockey League Senior A game three weeks ago. He lost his helmet, fell and banged his head off the ice during a third period tussle.
The accident has rekindled the debate about fighting in the game of hockey. Some like it. Others don't. I watched a player on TSN say it's part of the game and a risk they take when getting involved.
The issue has been debated for years. Will this incident force hockey to react? I think more focus on safety will ensue but fighting probably won't be banned any time soon. It can't be. Don Cherry would lose his mind. Should fighting be outlawed? It's works in lacrosse but basketball and baseball players look like sissy's when they fight...or try to.
The games of Football and Rugby are more physical but their players don't fight. Why not? Can hockey be like those sports? Better yet, can hockey fans enjoy the physical part of the game without the fights? It works for football and rugby.
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