Wednesday, June 1, 2011


In Play on Facebook

JUNE 1, 2011

      THE  MODERATOR:  Colin is going to make a brief statement, then we'll
take some questions.
      COLIN  CAMPBELL:   I think that Gary is right in announcing this now.
We  talked  about  this  a lot this past season.  I approached Gary back in
March  about  supplemental discipline, and it was time to have a fresh look
and fresh eyes at the process of discipline.
      When  I  first  took  this job over from Brian Burke, as we all know,
technology  was  at  a  different  state than it is now.  That was the most
difficult  part  of  supplemental  discipline and being consistent.  It's a
competitive  aspect  amongst  managers  and teams regarding what's applied,
when  it's  applied.   Now we have the ability to, up to the second almost,
monitor  all  games.   The  actual  difficulty or challenge in supplemental
discipline is the actual process of making a decision.
      We've  always bounced this off the managers every year.  Particularly
at  this  upcoming  meeting,  we  reassess where we've been in supplemental
discipline,  the  hits,  whether they be head hits, cross-checking, as Gary
said, the safety of players.
      Our  job,  the  League's job in discipline is to protect players from
players,  and  to  make  it  safer.   But also, as we said before a million
times,  to  keep  the physicality in our game, which is a great part of our
      Having  said  that,  this past season was a real challenge for Hockey
Operations  and  for  all  of  us  because we took the hitting in hockey to
another  step.   Last year for the first time in the history of the game we
said  a legal hit, which was a legal hit in the past, shoulder to the head,
is not legal in certain areas or circumstances.  That was the blindside hit
after the Savard Cooke and Booth Richards' hit.
      We went to another area this year.  And no matter how well we defined
it,  how well we spelled it out, every time there was a hit, whether it was
your  group  or  an  extension  of your group or whoever, players, coaches,
everyone:  ‘This is a head hit; a 'head shot' you would call it, whether it
was a legal shoulder making contact with the head.
      So  it  has  been  a  process.   If  there  was  an  injury  in those
situations,  it manifested itself further.  It's an area we have to get our
arms  around.   With  Brendan, Steve Yzerman, Joe Nieuwendyk, Rob Blake and
Rob  Blake and Brendan have been part of Hockey Operations now, Brendan for
two years and Rob Blake this last year it's been really good having players
who  just  got  off  the ice and have a feel for it.  And I think this is a
natural progression to move this over.
      Brendan  still  has  the  assets or the capabilities of coming to our
group  and  bouncing them off our group no different than I bounce them off
of everybody.  At the end of the day, someone has to make a decision.  That
will be Brendan's job now.

      Q.   Colie,  we  know that Gregory takes taunts on the team about who
his dad is.  Is that part of your decision to step down from this one?
      COLIN CAMPBELL:  No, not really.  It's part of the game.  He's having
fun playing now.  I'm having fun, me and my wife, watching him play.
      There  are  taunts  in  all  aspects of the game.  If you talk to the
people standing between the benches, they'll tell you what they hear on the
ice.  There are no boundaries down there.  That's just another area of some
of the things that are said.  It's all part of the game, trying to win.
      I   think   the  fact  that  13  years  of  this,  I  think  it's  an
all-encompassing  job.   It's  hard to do other aspects of your jobs.  When
something  happens,  we  just don't look at it once, flip a coin, say is it
two,  three  or four?  It carries you for a good day to two days.  You want
to do the right thing for the players, for the game.
      It's  a  job  that needs, as I said to Gary, needs some fresh eyes, a
fresh  look.   I've  been  doing it for 13 years.  You've got to get out of
that rut.  I think it's got to move on.
      It  was  no different in my other life when I was a coach.  If you're
part  of  making  a  trade, you have all the input, and the general manager
made  the  final  decision.   In this case, I was a general manager, now it
will  be  Brendan.   He'll  take input from everyone and the final decision
will be his.

      Q.  Brendan, you've been around Hockey Ops enough to see that Colie's
integrity  the  last couple years has been questioned, every decision seems
to  be  second-guessed.  Who is to say when you come in and Steve Yzerman's
team  is  playing, you obviously won a Cup with him, that people might say,
Well, he's looking at it this way or that way.
      BRENDAN  SHANAHAN:   You  assume  that  Steve and I are still friends

      Q.   Are  you  prepared to take this, as Gary said, thankless job and
everything that goes with it?
      BRENDAN  SHANAHAN:  Well, first off I'd like to touch on that because
it  has  been  described  as  a  thankless job.  I just want to say for the
record as a player that was disciplined under Colie on a few occasions, and
now  having  been  honored to get to know him better and work with him over
the  last  two years, he does deserve and is owed a great deal of thanks by
      To  think  back  when  he took this job and how far he's brought this
role,  the  way  that  it's  changed  over the years from having videotapes
driven  to him in snowstorms and meeting people on the sides of highways to
rush  home  and  watch  it on his VCR, to having the Situation Room that we
have  now  in Toronto, I think that history will show that Colie has been a
great  innovator for the game of hockey, and we all do owe him a great deal
of thanks.
      I  can  say  that,  again,  I  played  against Gregory.  Gregory is a
hard-working,  honest,  quiet  player that plays tough.  Colie was the same
way.   He's  that type of a person in the office, as well.  He is respected
so much, and I respect him so much.  I thank him for giving me the honor of
putting  me  in  a  position  of  having hopefully a positive impact on the
safety of the game of hockey.
      COLIN  CAMPBELL:   You  won't  be  thanking me next year at this time

      Q.  Brendan, what do you think your greatest challenge in taking this
job on is?
      BRENDAN SHANAHAN:  Well, I think the job itself.  It's been described
to  me many ways, quite honestly, by these guys.  I think that in some ways
it's  not a job that you go into thinking that you're going to be getting a
lot  of pats on the back.  But if you do it with the kind of integrity that
Colie  has,  and I believe you've got to be overinclusive, I think you have
to  really  draw  from  your experience, draw from the experience of others
around you.
      I  think  that there's a great responsibility here.  I think that the
game has never been played at a better level.  I see that as just something
that's  a  great  challenge.  I don't know that every day is going to be an
easy  one.   I certainly was made well aware before I accepted the position
all the different hurdles that there are.
      But,  again,  it's just very important to me.  It's too important for
me to pass up an opportunity to hopefully have an impact on this great game
and on the players that play it.

      Q.    Do  you  think  part  of  what  you'll  bring  to  the  job  is
communicating to players?  Colie talked about the challenge of defining the
rules,  the  constant  evolution of the rules.  Will that be something that
you need to do going forward, just explaining to the players and the public
what  you're doing, what your standards are, how you're trying to adhere to
      BRENDAN  SHANAHAN:   I  think  communication  is  going  to  be  very
important.   I  think  over  the  next  few months I have an opportunity to
really listen and learn from a lot of people.
      I think communicating with the players, I think communicating with my
peers  at  the NHL, and I think communicating with the NHLPA and some of my
friends  there.  I think it's just a matter of really building a consensus,
moving  towards  next  season, using the next few months to sort of prepare
myself for when the season starts.
      But   I   absolutely   think  that  in  this  day  and  age  constant
communication  is important.  I remember as a player you really don't think
about supplemental discipline until it's happening to you.
      I  think  that I've sat through those meetings before where they sort
of  warn  you  what  is  going  to  happen  to  you if you do these things.
Sometimes  you're  thinking  about  tomorrow  night's game or the game in a
couple days or the game you played last night.
      So  it's a matter of my group staying on top of it, constantly trying
to reach out to people and communicate in that fashion.
      COLIN  CAMPBELL:   I  think one thing here that is important, Brendan
touched  on  it,  is  that a lot of people have comments about supplemental
discipline  and  thoughts  on it.  What's most important is the players and
how  they feel about it and how they want to play the game and be protected
in the game.
      When we first started, I said I just got out of the coaches ranks, as
Mike  Murphy  did.  We brought in Kay Whitmore, Kris King who just retired,
we  had a touch, a feel for it.  And lately Brendan and Rob Blake have been
involved.   It's very important to have, in the question you asked, Brendan
touched  on  it,  to have that feel with the players, that understanding of
where they want the game to be and how they want it to be played.
      We  can  all  say all we want.  The managers work hard on this.  It's
important  they  protect their assets.  It's also important how the players
want  to  play  the  game.  That's something that both Brendan and Rob have
brought to our group the past year, two years.

      Q.  Brendan, as there's been so much more consternation lately on the
concussion  issues,  the blindside hits, I think the feeling from this side
of  the  podium is, when you get a guy who clearly breaks all the rules set
down,  the  suspensions  haven't  been  as  harsh  or as long as many of my
colleagues  and  myself  feel like it would need to be to stop the guy from
doing  it  again.   Can  we  say  that with you coming into this job, maybe
yesterday's  three-game  suspension  will  be  tomorrow's  five-,  six-, or
seven-game suspension?  Will it change?
      BRENDAN  SHANAHAN:   I  can't  promise you how I'm going to view each
individual  situation.   I think it's important to state that I do love the
physical  aspect of hockey.  It's a very difficult and fine balance to keep
that  in  the game, to allow players to play on their toes, but at the same
time for them to know what they can and can't do.
      I think that, as I said, over the next few months, communicating with
players,  I  think that it's up to me to take a lot of direction, ask a lot
of questions like you just asked me, and then when the time comes to make a
decision.   If I feel that all of the criteria of a player trying to injure
another player has been met, then I'm going to have to act.
      But  I  can't  promise  you  what was once a three is now a seven.  I
think that it's all going to be individual.
      I will promise you that when I do make those decisions, I will try to
make  my thought process and everything that went into that thought process
very clear and very visible to the entire hockey world.

      Q.   Concussions  have  become  such a flash point, such an emotional
issue.   Is  there  a  way of curtailing it?  Is there a sense of alarm and
concern, or do you view it as an overreaction in some quarters?
      COLIN  CAMPBELL:   I  think  that's what we're trying to get our arms
around  with  this committee, group, department that Gary has put together.
We've  worked  on  it.   Kris  King  was  delighted  to send his 23 sets of
shoulder pads to Brendan's office a couple months ago.
      There  are so many different aspects to the game.  I talked to an NHL
coach  who  just  attended  a tournament that his 11-year-old son was in in
Ontario.   He  said  there  were three concussions in two days.  I remember
three  concussions  on my team when I played.  Is it the speed of the game?
Is  it  the shoulder pads?  We're more aware of it and players are prepared
to come forward?  There's a number of factors.
      So  I think it's all-encompassing, not just discipline in how players
act  or hit.  I think that's something we've got to get our arms around.  I
think  that's  something  even  the boards, the glass, everything.  I think
that's something Brendan has been working on.
      I don't know if you want to jump in there.
      BRENDAN  SHANAHAN:   I  just echo what Colie is saying.  It's not any
one thing.  I think it's part of several things put together.

      Q.   Brendan,  the  league  has, for a couple years it seems, taken a
very  kind of legalistic approach to supplemental discipline, where they'll
go  through  a  rule word by word and apply it sort of frame by frame to an
incident.   At  times  it  seemed there's been a kind of pragmatic approach
missing.   The Zdeno Chara hit may be an example, Ryane Clowe said of that.
He's  not  sure  whether it's legal or not.  That kind of hit, that kind of
injury,  there  should be something to send a message to players.  Will you
try in any way to take sort of a more pragmatic approach, like big picture,
was  it  dangerous,  was the player hurt, should the player have made it or
made it, regardless of whether it's legal?
      BRENDAN SHANAHAN:  I think we can all agree it's a difficult position
to be in.  On the one hand, any time you have an injured player, and on the
other hand you have a player that is delivering a hit in a physical game, I
don't  think that this is going to be easy.  I think that certainly there's
an  adherence  to  the  rule book that's fair to the players.  I also think
that instincts definitely play a part of this.
      But  I  do  believe that over the next few months, I've been thinking
about this since Colie and Gary approached me in March, but I do believe as
I  build  my  team  and  build  the  whole Department of Safety, which will
include  a  lot of things, I think that all those questions will be sort of
answered in the next few months as we approach next season.

      Q.   Brendan,  you said a couple times about building your team.  Are
you  planning  to  go  out  and  find some people to work with that are not
currently with the NHL headquarters?
      BRENDAN SHANAHAN:  I'm open to that.  But I think we've also got some
great  people  at the NHL.  I plan on using all the resources that we have,
including  our  room in Toronto, including obviously Colie.  He's done this
job  for  13  years.   I've reached out to Brian Burke.  I've asked him his
impressions, his perspectives.
      I  think,  like  I  said  earlier,  my  intention  especially  in the
beginning is to be as over-thoughtful and over-inclusive as I can be.  Then
it's  just a matter of finding the right people and leaning on the people I
know  that  have  had experience at this job.  Quite frankly doing the very
best I can at a very difficult job.