This is not Hockey but I have to get this out...
Well if Michael Vick is entitled to a second chance after his conviction and incarceration at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, then I say it's high time to lift the ban on Pete Rose for the Baseball Hall of Fame and also give consideration to 1968 Detroit Tigers great 31-6 Denny McLain.
While Rose was not incarcerated, his betting did take place while he was managing.
As for McLain, his convictions took place after his playing days were over and had nothing to do with baseball.
Both these guys hold Major League Baseball records, yet their names elude the Hall.
What does this have to do with the way these two played the game?
Put an * next to their names. Who really cares anymore?
I think baseball needs to step down from their high and mighty throne, perched way atop the mountain that they have placed themselves on so they can watch over their flock of steroid raging, 70 home run hitting, lying to congress, ratting on each other out, 100 MPH fastball throwing...big heads.
Considering everything going on in baseball nowadays, it's pretty safe to say the entire game has been tainted so why keep up this facade with Rose and McLain.
If anything, I think it would help baseball and the Hall.
Geez, the NFL hires convicted felons. Maybe McLain might have grounds for a lawsuit for discrimination?
And let's not even get started with the NBA!
When you sit back and think about the Ray Lewis's of the NFL, the Kobe Bryant's of the NBA and the Todd Bertuzzi's of the NHL...these two rapscallions, Rose and McLain, they have paid their dues; both to baseball and society.
They have been grounded by MLB and were not allowed to play outside for the past 20 plus years.
"Come on mom...can we go outside and play now?"
In Play! Magazine