The Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
The Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix is here and In Play! magazine was along for the ride...literally!In Play! Publisher Jack Rosenberg, Editor - In - Chief Deborah Jones and Writer Tim Fairhurst spent most of Thursday (Aug 28) afternoon on Pit Row.
In Play! magazine was given special behind the scenes access to test drive almost a dozen brand new high end diesel powered vehicles courtesy of Bosch Clean Diesel Power.In Play!
Publisher Rosenberg and Fairhurst took to the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix track and gave it they had. Rosenberg says “I got up to 120 MPH on the back straight away but that’s where I left it, I’m not sure what I signed when I signed that waiver.”
Rosenberg goes on to say “We were only asked to bring the cars back in one piece so Tim and I drove em like we stole em.”Rosenberg continues “Tim had that Mercedes rockin! I thought for sure we were going to roll it (the vehicle) going through turn seven!”
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The Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
The Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix is here and In Play! magazine was along for the ride...literally!In Play! Publisher Jack Rosenberg, Editor - In - Chief Deborah Jones and Writer Tim Fairhurst spent most of Thursday (Aug 28) afternoon on Pit Row.
In Play! magazine was given special behind the scenes access to test drive almost a dozen brand new high end diesel powered vehicles courtesy of Bosch Clean Diesel Power.In Play!
Publisher Rosenberg and Fairhurst took to the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix track and gave it they had. Rosenberg says “I got up to 120 MPH on the back straight away but that’s where I left it, I’m not sure what I signed when I signed that waiver.”
Rosenberg goes on to say “We were only asked to bring the cars back in one piece so Tim and I drove em like we stole em.”Rosenberg continues “Tim had that Mercedes rockin! I thought for sure we were going to roll it (the vehicle) going through turn seven!”
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